Watch out! Do you already know these Hamburg activities for couples?

Hardly any other city offers as many activities for couples as Hamburg. Finding the right experience for you and your date is not that easy. Depending on how long you've known each other and what stage you're at in your relationship, the choice of excursion will be different.

We have therefore put together our favorite excursions for couples in Hamburg. Whether you've just met or have already changed your relationship status to “taken”, we've got some exciting activities for you all.

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The first meeting - tips for an informal get-together

The first meeting is coming up and you're thinking about the best place for it? Of course, a walk through our beautiful city along the Elbe and Alster rivers is always a good idea. But what if the weather doesn't play ball and it suddenly starts to rain?

Here it is a good idea to plan a detour to one of the museums. You can stroll through the exhibition at your leisure and have a chat. The interactive museums in Hamburg are particularly suitable for this. At the Museum of Illusions, for example, you have the opportunity to explore our exhibits together. Laughter is pre-programmed when swapping noses or in our symmetry room. This offers you a relaxed atmosphere and you can also find out straight away whether you have the same sense of humor and are on the same wavelength. Whether you're taking a photo together or trying not to lose your balance in our vortex tunnel, you'll get to know each other better.

In addition to the Museum of Illusions, there is also the Chocoversum for a sweet tour or the Dungeon for a special thrill. Afterwards, you can round off your first excursion together with a fish sandwich on the Elbe or a drink in Planten un Blomen.

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The first date - getting closer and falling in love

Have you already got to know each other a bit, exchanged hearts on Instagram and want to get closer on a first real date?

Here are our recommendations:

  • Explore the sights in the beautiful Speicherstadt warehouse district together. You can put your sense of smell to the test on a detour to the Spice Museum. After all, it's important to be able to “smell” each other. A romantic selfie from the roof terrace of the Elbphilharmonie with a view of Hamburg's beautiful harbor afterwards is sure to make your hearts beat faster.
  • Another great place for lovers is the city park. Here you can enjoy a cosy picnic in the countryside. You can also hire a rowing boat, pedal boat or canoe on the Love Island in the Stadtparksee and take it out on the Alster and its canals. If you fancy something even more romantic, take a look at the night sky together and grab the stars from the heavens in the planetarium.
  • If you're looking for fun together and want to surprise your better half with an unusual location, then come and visit us at the Museum of Illusions. By solving one of our dilemma games, you can put your relationship to the test and see if you work well as a team. Pssst, if you want to impress your date, secretly get a few advices from our team. Then you can score points in the puzzle games.
  • After an exciting excursion, you can round off your first date in the evening in a relaxed atmosphere, either with a romantic candlelight dinner in one of the many restaurants or a cosy evening at the cinema. If you don't want to be spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing a film, just drop by the sneak preview at the Passage cinema.
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The first weekend together is coming up - what should you do?

Are you spending a weekend together for the first time or have you known each other for a while and are planning a visit to Hamburg for several days?

More time gives you even more opportunities to get to know the city and each other. Of course, you can also do all of the highlights mentioned above. If the weather is good, you should also go on a bike tour through the Hanseatic city. You'll even find the Happy Bikes bike hire center directly opposite our museum. This way you can easily reach a variety of beautiful places. Here you can find inspiration for some cycle tours around Hamburg.

A harbor tour should also not be missing on your list of beautiful experiences. Various ships depart from the Landungsbrücken. Whether on a small barge or one of the large saloon ships, you will really enjoy the trip together. Not only will you learn something about Hamburg's culture and architecture along the Elbe, but you will also find out whether your partner is seaworthy. This is always good to know when planning your future trips together.

Why not combine your visit to the Museum of Illusions with a harbour cruise? You can purchase tickets for this from us online or on site.

Your perfect day could look like this:

  • A bike tour along the Alster with a stop at a café for refreshments.
  • Followed by a visit to the Museum of Illusions and collecting memories together in the world of illusions.
  • Then a boat trip through the Speicherstadt warehouse district. For a special romantic experience, wait until dusk and then take a sunset cruise.
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It's serious - getting to know the parents

Your first date, first kiss and many wonderful moments are already behind you. What's still to come: Getting to know your parents. It's not so easy to find suitable places here. After all, you want to show your best side and avoid as many awkward questions as possible. It's a good idea to plan an outing together. Include activities that are fun for everyone and lighten the atmosphere.

Ask your partner about their parents' preferences. Whether cars, ships, art, culture, sport or history - there is a museum for every topic in Hamburg. This way you can show your interest in getting to know the family better. Perhaps you even share a common passion and can exchange ideas and start a conversation on this topic. The key to a successful relationship!

How about a guided tour through our Museum of Illusions? Here you have the advantage that our tour guide will lead you through the exhibition as a group and help you to persuade even the most taciturn parents-in-law to take a group picture together and have a laugh. You can request a guided tour in advance by e-mail. You can also take a guided tour as part of a city tour. Whether it's over the Reeperbahn, in a van or through the football stadium, there are various offers and also unusual city tours.

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In love, engaged, married - activities for all further phases of the relationship

You've been through thick and thin, shared many moments and collected memories together. Nothing stands in the way of your love anymore. But now you're wondering how you can keep the mystery tickling in your life together. What other activities for couples are there to discover in the city?

We recently witnessed a special thrill at the museum. We received a very excited enquiry by email. "I want to surprise my girlfriend and propose to her. Can you help me with this surprise?". Of course, we were happy to do so. Unsuspecting, his girlfriend explored our exhibition together with him. Friends and family secretly joined them and hid behind our exhibits. Then he got down on one knee and she said yes. We all got goosebumps and were very happy for both of them. Afterwards, the family enjoyed their time together in the museum and captured the special moment in lots of photos and videos.

You don't always have to get down on one knee, a romantic kiss in our Infinity Room also makes you feel happy and definitely creates Infinity Love!

If you are already married or in a partnership, we suggest the following options for flaring up feelings:

  • Try out a hobby together. How about a cookery course for couples, for example. Here you can immerse yourselves in the exotic world of cookery. After all, the way to the heart is through the stomach.
  • We often don't even notice the specialties of the city in our everyday lives. So, here's our tip: be a tourist in your own city for a weekend. Stay in a nice hotel and explore the city with all its highlights and sights as if you were seeing them for the first time.
  • Treat yourself to some relaxation: Hamburg has a variety of spas and saunas. Between saltwater pools, massages and rainforest showers, you can unwind together. Do you want more privacy? Then a private wellness oasis is definitely the right thing for you. With providers such as wellnest, you have a room with a whirlpool, sauna and comfortable lounger just for you. The perfect time out!
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Now it's your turn!

As you can see, there are countless opportunities for you to spend a wonderful time together in Hamburg. Grab your loved one and enjoy your visit to the full!

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